FLR Hub: Promoting livelihoods through global land restoration

The Forest Landscape Restoration Hub (FLR Hub) is a partnership between three world-changing conservation organisations: The IUCN, WWF, and WRI. The hub will host vital tools to help countries speed up forest landscape restoration worldwide. Whether it’s restoring 200,000 hectares of forest, securing €20M in funding, or boosting local biodiversity and livelihoods, FLR Hub is on a mission to make long-term, environmental recovery a reality. Our task was to create a bold and hopeful visual identity that helped FLR Hub communicate its vital solutions, whilst inspiring communities and industries to take action to protect our natural world.

We partnered on

Visual Identity

Social toolkit

Campaign launch


Our challenge was to create a visual identity that was deeply rooted in nature, whilst matching the hope, action and energy of the Hub. We wanted to avoid the obvious environmental cliches to create a fresh and inspiring identity that will help the FLR Hub accelerate its work in restoring our planet for generations to come.
"The Yoke team was expedient, diligent, and responsive to our needs. They readily incorporated our team’s feedback to deliver the best possible brand for our project, the FLR Hub."
Dr. Chetan Kumar, Global Head, Forest and Grassland Team, IUCN


Solutions as world-changing as FLR Hub require great design and powerful creativity, and that’s where we come in. We placed nature at the heart of this identity, drawing inspiration from the ecosystems they’re working to restore. The logo plays on the idea of the hub being a home for these vital restoration tools and features rays of hope, along with rich, contrasting greens to mimic the landscape. The background illustrations depict real topography from the South American and African forests that the FLR Hub is on a mission to restore. And this was all tied together with a vibrant colour palette, inspired by the tree frog, which is one of the forest's most striking inhabitants. 

The result is a fresh, optimistic and eye-catching identity that reflects the natural world the hub will work tirelessly to protect.
"Their team’s combination of creativity and professionalism made our experience with them simple and enjoyable."
Dr. Chetan Kumar, Global Head, Forest and Grassland Team, IUCN


Once fully operational, the FLR Hub will be a vital resource for restoration practitioners, donors and policymakers to support their work in forest landscape restoration. With its simple, bold and creative new identity, the hub will be able to communicate its groundbreaking resources, inspire engagement and drive collective action to help accelerate the preservation of forests across the world.